Get to Know Sandi

Sandi is an experienced school psychologist dedicated to integrating evidence-based behavioral principles and counseling techniques to optimize student outcomes. As a Special Education Advisor at BlazerWorks, Sandi is committed to facilitating professional development opportunities nationwide, empowering educators to deliver exceptional services and support within their districts. 

With a rich background in the educational sector, Sandi served as a school psychologist and social-emotional specialist at the Ventura County SELPA in Southern California for 15 years. The SELPA provides services to 21 school districts, offering guidance to school administrators, educators, and parents. In addition to providing direct services to students, she worked as a consultant to school administrators, educators, and parents. She operated in a broad range of settings and ages spanning from the Early Start Program (0-3) all the way through high school. Sandi also served on the Ventura County Behavior Steering Committee, contributing to the enhancement of Ventura County's Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) framework and certification program, in addition to serving as a PBIS trainer. Moreover, her involvement in the Ventura County Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses (VCPSW) leadership team allowed her an opportunity to build a unique model for assessing students with learning disabilities from the ground up. She co-authored the VCPSW Training Manual and showcased the Model at conferences and in scholarly publications. This wide variety of experience allows her to share a varied and unique perspective with educators. 

Sandi holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Master of Science in Counseling, with a specialization in School Psychology from California State University, Northridge. Since 2009, she has maintained a Pupil Personnel Service Credential in School Psychology. Further enriching her expertise, Sandi underwent specialized training related to cognitive behavioral therapy for youth with autism and emotional/behavioral needs at UCLA. 

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